April Table Runner Free Download!

Lisa Table Runner April 2013 (1)

Sheila Table Runner April 2013 (3)

April is the month to make a table runner! Who said that? Well, uh…I did! Sheila Sinclair Snyder and I are teaming up to bring you a free project every month for 2013. We have decided we have just TOO MUCH spare time…ha! But seriously, when we get together we are always coming up with creative ways to use up our fabric stashes and make fun things. Two heads are better than one!

So enjoy this first-of-many projects! Each project will be listed on each of our websites. We will each make different versions of our projects so you will get to see a couple examples. And with any luck, you will send us photos of your finished project as well, so we will be able to show that off to our q-bloggers (that’s quilting bloggers for the uninitiated!). So come and join the fun and follow us on our websites, on Facebook, on Twitter, or on Pinterest. It’s all good!

Enjoy this free pattern! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Piano Key Table Runner Pattern Instructions for April 2013

5 Replies to “April Table Runner Free Download!”

    1. Hey Gerry – I just noticed that we attached the wrong file for the pattern! So if you’ve already printed it out, please print out another with more up-to-date instructions! i just loaded up the new one. Sorry for the trouble!


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